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Tara Comer

Ralls County Collector

Ralls County Courthouse
311 S. Main Street, Room 13
PO Box 340
New London, MO 63459

573-985-5621 – Office
573-985-3251 – Fax


Angie Cook, Deputy Collector

Important Links


Effective April 1st, 2021 a fee of $1.00 will be charged for duplicate personal property receipts. 
(RSMo 139.090)


Welcome to the Ralls County Collector homepage. We, at the Ralls County Collector’s office, strive to provide the best service to the taxpayers of Ralls County.

The Office of County Collector is a county-wide elected position with a term of four years. The Ralls County Collector is Tara Comer. Our goal is to serve the citizens of Ralls County in a responsible and respectful way, by providing friendly, efficient, progressive and accountable services while fulfilling our obligation to follow the Statutes of the State of Missouri.

The Collector is responsible for the collection of personal and real estate taxes for the various taxing entities in the county. The collector also collects merchant license fees and railroad and utility taxes. The collector is charged with the duties of collecting the taxes due, as shown on the Assessor’s records, and then distributing the funds to the various taxing entities.


Ralls County tax statements should be received by mid November. Please inspect your statements and verify the information is correct. If you have not received your statements by the end of November, contact our office. All tax statements are due upon receipt and become delinquent after December 31st. To avoid late fees, be sure that your payment is postmarked no later than December 31st. Payments postmarked after December 31st will be returned unprocessed unless late fees are included. All statements may be paid with one check. We cannot accept incorrect or partial payments. Payment may be made in the office with cash, personal check or credit card. The Collector has provided a payment drop box located on the east side of the Ralls County Courthouse.